5 Things You Need To Hear Today
Gentle Reminders For Your Mental Wellness
1 The things you want may come to you in an unexpected form
Growth is a wondrous thing. It could come in the form of manifesting your wildest dreams, or losing your deepest love. I hope this doesn’t read as morbid; but I am truly fascinated by everything humans are capable of, whether that’s achieving unprecedented heights or withstanding devastating tragedies. The first is definitely preferred to the latter, for who wants to suffer. But both are marvelous in their own way. You are more resilient than you imagine or give yourself credit for. The things you want may come to you in an unrecognizable form, a form that you didn’t foresee. It’s up to you what to make of them when they do.
2 Having needs doesn’t make you needy
There should be zero shame attached to having needs. People will qualify you as needy when they don’t have the capacity to meet your needs. Don’t believe them. Your needs are valid. The people that truly care for you will instinctively make the effort to support you to the extent that they are able to. No questions asked, it just comes naturally to them as a genuine expression of their love for you. That said, it’s important to distinguish the needs that you should meet yourself from those that you desire other people to meet. There are certain things that only you can give to yourself.
3 Don’t be afraid to lean into the love of those closest to you
I’ve slowly been letting go of the idea that I need to do it all by myself, and it’s a top tier experience I highly recommend for your mental wellness. We’re all already on our own individual paths that make us feel alone, and some experiences in life can be so isolating that you forget that you’re actually not alone. The more I’ve opened up to loved ones, the more support I’ve received and the lighter my burdens have gotten. Love is really where it’s at, lean into it.
4 There is nothing wrong with thinking the way you do
One sure way to clear up your energy and gain clarity is by sorting through your thoughts. Take time each day to observe the thoughts buzzing around in your head. Keep the thoughts that make sense, throw out what doesn’t, and take note of what you need to work on. The goal isn’t to fix anything definitively, but to develop the habit of thinking in a way that serves you and to stop expending precious energy on thoughts that don’t serve you. There is nothing wrong with thinking the way you do, it’s only a product of your experiences and socialization. So be gentle with yourself as things pop up in your head. Take comfort in knowing that with time and practice you can learn to think differently.
5 Take a break from your problems
Yesterday I took a break from what I perceive as my problems and it was the best thing I could have done at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed. I willed myself to let go of the need to be in control (even if it was just for a day), and was very intentional about resting and recharging. Today I woke up and the “problems” are right where I left them, but I feel so much better about navigating them. Spending time obessing about everything will not always lead to solutions. You stand a better chance when you take a step back to nourish yourself, and then work on figuring things out from a wholesome state unbiased by fear.
I hope at least one of these reminders resonated with you. Pay it forward by leaving a reminder in the comments for the next person to see. :)