Accepting The Season You’re In
A Message To Anyone Wanting To Be Somewhere They’re Not
I write this for myself as much as I write it for you. I’m in a season where I look around and see the people around me blooming in the world as I hibernate deeper into myself. At times like this it’s easy to think that you’re doing life wrong, that you should be grabbing life by the horns like everyone else seems to be doing. But I’m a big believer in making your life your own and owning your experience. There’s close to 8 billion of us on earth at the time of publishing this; there’s no way that we’ll all experience the same things in the same way. So let’s explore the concept of accepting where we are.
The season you’re in is exactly where you are supposed to be
Your path is always going to look different because of your unique and individual purpose. Everything you go through is building you up to be the person that can deliver your purpose in this time space reality. The time at which you have your experience and the way that you have it is unique to you. Comparing this to what those around you are experiencing has no value because it does not change the fact that you are experiencing it. Comparison does not bring you closer to where you want to be.
You get to where you want by going deeper into your own vision and following your own path to it. You get there by allowing your life to unfold in the way it’s meant to. By taking the next best logical step. By savoring each step as a building block of the bigger picture.
Change is the name of the game, this season too shall pass
You’ve seen other seasons before this one, so you know you won’t be here forever. You’ve seen highs and you’ve seen lows. Even the highs don’t peak in the same way, and the lows never devastate in the same way. So don’t fight it, because how do you fight what is happening right in front of you in any case?
Don’t breathe more life into this space that you don’t want to be in by complaining or unhealthily obsessing over it. You can hope for better, strive and work for better, and the best way to start doing that is accepting the now. Don’t expend more energy than you need to by fighting what is. Rather use that energy to work towards what you want.
Ride the highs
If you are in a good place, milk that baby dry. Enjoy every single moment of it. Sing it to the mountains and talk about it to anyone who will listen. Take pictures of it or do whatever you can that will aid in treasuring it. Let in all the pleasure that you can because you deserve it and more. If it’s love, be loved. If it’s food and travel, eat and walk the earth. If it’s accomplishments at work or school or both, own the success. If it’s self discovery, personal development, self care and self love, do that to the fullest too. Whatever brings you joy, let it in. Get in tune with whatever it is that brings you joy and pay attention to it when it shows up in your life, that way you can get the most out of it. Let go of the idea that it should look a certain way, and appreciate it for what it is as it pops up.
Embrace the lows
You’ve equated discomfort to negative. And it’s so interesting to observe that you’ll accept said discomfort in certain areas of your life and completely reject it in other areas. You’re okay with burning yourself out at work in the name of building a career, but you shy away from the more personal challenges that come with building relationships with your loved ones. You’re okay with following institutionalized rules and laws that you don’t necessarily agree with, but find building personal boundaries that are good for you in the long run an inconvenience.
The lows are uncomfortable, perhaps for a reason. Perhaps they are here to hold a mirror to yourself and make you reach for parts of yourself that you wouldn’t have otherwise. Take stock of where you are in your life, how you got there, what it could be here to teach you. Don’t run away from it. Don’t reach for distractions because you’re only delaying the inevitable; the only way through it is through it. As long as you’re alive you can get through it. Trust that you can get through it. You don’t have to do it alone if it’s too difficult. Lean in to the resources that you have when you need it.
I want you to take away that you are exactly where you need to be. If that place is dark and heavy, know that you don’t have to go through it by yourself. Seek help when you need it.
At this point I also want to acknowledge those of us experiencing realities that are unsafe which may make this article triggering. I send you love and courage to overcome. As long as you have breath in your body, know that there is hope. I hope you get the help you need in the way you need it.